The Inside Scoop on Conventional Medicine

The Inside Scoop on Conventional Medicine

June 05, 20192 min read

The Inside Scoop on Conventional Medicine

Doctor’s won’t heal you. Don’t get me wrong, there are some good doctors out there. And I’ve worked with many in my career. But being on the other side as a patient, I realized the truth. And the truth is, that conventional Western medicine, only treats the symptoms of a problem. Therefore, if you only treat the symptoms, the root cause of the problem will never go away. And if the root cause remains, then you will not heal. 

My suggestion? Find a functional medicine practitioner. Functional medicine sees the body as a whole and addresses the underlying causes associated with symptoms. When I saw a functional medicine doctor, everything I thought about health and wellness changed completely. It was a total AHA moment! When I have to see a conventional doctor (which I only do occasionally for insurance purposes) I F*ing hate it! I know that is a strong statement but getting prescriptions thrown at me when they don’t even care to investigate the underlying reason I have these symptoms, gets my blood boiling. 

I highly recommend finding a functional medicine doctor and here are my top 5 reasons for doing so.

  1. Functional medicine keeps you alive. Conventional medicine does nothing to improve your health and quality of life. 

  2. Functional medicine is personalized. In conventional medicine, one size fits all. Functional medicine is 100% tailored to your individual body. 

  3. Functional medicine is at the cutting edge of science and is taking advantage of new research around how the microbiome (bacteria in your body) impacts our health. 

  4. Functional medicine makes you feel good. It gets to the root of the problem and in turn improves your quality of life.

  5. Functional medicine It changes your life. It certainly did for me! Functional medicine teaches you to listen to your body and tap into your health in ways you will never forget. 

My take away is to find a good functional medicine doctor. And if you can’t afford to, as most are out of pocket and not covered by insurance, work with a health coach like me to fill-in the gaps where conventional medicine is lacking. Together we can uncover the underlying causes of your symptoms and help you address the root cause of your illness, not just the symptoms.

The Inside Scoop on Conventional Medicine

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