Environmental Toxins: How to protect you and your family

Environmental Toxins: How to protect you and your family

November 07, 20194 min read

Environmental Toxins: How to protect you and your family

Take a moment and think about our food supply, the products you use to clean your home, the products and cosmetics you place on your skin, as well as the general environment and air that you breath in your home and office. If you’re like me, you might be feeling a little disgusted right about now. Furthermore, you may be struggling with your own health issues due to toxin exposure and not even realize the symptoms. It is essential to understand which toxins we are most exposed to and how to remedy the exposure to live longer, healthier and happier lives.

It is important to be aware of the most common environmental toxins and modes of exposure. Many environmental toxins are created by humans but others occur naturally in the environment. Following is a brief listing of both types of toxins.

Man-made Toxins  


Naturally Occurring Toxins


When we encounter any of these toxins, they have three distinct methods of entering our bodies: via skin contact, inhalation, and digestion. Though much less common, a fourth way is via injection. 

Once encountered, the body has various ways of handling or metabolizing the objectionable toxin. This reaction often varies depending upon the amount of time you have been exposed to the noxious substance. 

Brief or mild exposure
Being exposed to toxins for a short period of time can have somewhat negative, yet in the scheme of life, mild consequences. These may include:
Abdominal pain
Cough and sneezing
Excessive fatigue
Nausea and vomiting
Skin irritation
Throat and nose irritation

Long-term exposure
Long-term exposure to toxins is incredibly unhealthy. Many of the short-term effects of exposure begin to take hold and can present as complex and more serious physical conditions. As exposure continues, the damage it causes can result in chronic disease and have permanent physical effects.

Toxins affect the body by disrupting the endocrine system and can become carcinogenic. Those toxins that disrupt the endocrine system interfere with the body’s ability to produce hormones and participate in cell signaling. This can have negative effects on the reproductive, immune, and neurological systems. Additionally, it may alter a person’s behavior and personality. In children, it can cause issues with their development. Possible effects may include obesity, aggressive behavior, hormone-dependent cancers such as breast and prostate, infertility, early-onset puberty, low sperm and testosterone, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders, increased risk of diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, and lung cancer. 

What can you do?
Reduce your exposure as much as possible to decrease your risk of adverse health effects.
As a mom and health coach, I am rocked by this information and want to educate others on how to make simple yet actionable lifestyle changes to affect your health and save our planet. Here are some things that you can do to make a difference.

Remove toxins from your home and your skin
- Use green cleaning products (be aware that some products that market themselves as “toxic-free” or “clean” are not! Read the labels.) 

- Replace candles and air fresheners with essential oils

- Put some plants in your home to create cleaner air

- Use natural skincare and makeup

- Get rid of non-stick cookware

- Avoid using the microwave whenever possible

- Reduce the use of plastics

- Leave shoes outside or by the door

- Use a dehumidifier to reduce mildew or mold

- Consider an air purifier

- Filter your water

Next, remove toxins from your diet
- Reduce refined seed and vegetable oils 

- Eliminate foods stored in plastic as they may disrupt hormone function 

- Remove trans fats

- Eat organic foods whenever possible

- Remove sugars

- Eat certified organic and grass-fed meats and wild-caught fish

While it is difficult and nearly impossible to live a full, toxic-free lifestyle — as the air that we breathe is full of pollutants — we need to chip away at it and begin to make small changes with the things we can control. 

I am intensely passionate about this topic and currently earning a Certification in Environmental Toxicity. This will allow me to provide my clients with the knowledge base to educate them as well. Unfortunately, in the world of wellness, environmental toxins are a critical, yet overlooked piece of the wellness puzzle, and I look forward to changing that.

Allow me to help lead the way as you build a healthier future for you and your family. 
Let’s get started!

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